Indivisible to the Rescue

One of the most exciting and positive things happening in the political world is “Indivisible,” the new progressive opposition initiative. Last December, after the election of Donald Trump, four former congressional staffers put a document on-line to help mobilize citizens to resist Trump’s agenda of racism, authoritarianism, and corruption. Just as importantly the document provided … [Read more…]

In Solidarity with Professor Johnny Williams

We Stand in Solidarity with Professor Johnny Williams. Fearing for his safety and that of his family, a friend and colleague, Professor Johnny Williams of Trinity College, has gone into hiding far from Hartford, Connecticut, where Trinity is located. He is publicly vilified. He has received several death threats, all because a conservative website, Campus … [Read more…]

Democrats Need to Speak Up

While the country is fixated on Donald Trump’s shenanigans and the associated fallout, Republican senators are moving right along with their awful health care bill. They have expressed intentions to vote on the bill by the end of June, which is right around the corner. Significantly, however, they are doing so in secret. And they … [Read more…]