The Christian Right and Donald Trump

There is appropriately much attention to considerations of the possible damage that Donald Trump’s standard-bearer role will have on the Republican party. However, one post-election result should be the loss of moral credibility by the religious right. Some Republican politicians have distanced themselves from Trump–because of his moral failures–but not the majority of the Christian … [Read more…]

Black Voter Suppression Nowadays

Although there are the necessary get-out-the-black-vote campaigns across the country, voting by African Americans will undoubtedly be hampered in the upcoming election. There are several reasons for this possibility. I address two below. First is this new era in voting rights. This is the first presidential election year without the protection of the Voting Rights … [Read more…]

Democrats are Better for the Economy

Among other reasons–like reclaiming America from “illegitimate” Obama and the like–Donald Trump is claiming he should be President because he is such a successful business person. That point, of course, is being called into question, considering his many screw-ups and shady dealings. But what about the broader point—the presumed superiority of Republicans in enhancing the … [Read more…]

Reclaiming Our Democracy

The forum in Richmond on September 17, sponsored by ACLU-VA and the RPEC, explored how the events of September 11, 2001, and policy decisions in its aftermath have changed the direction of our society. The past 15 years was the focus because anti-democratic activities seriously increased at that time. The morning plenary session of the … [Read more…]

Restoring Our Democracy – 15 Years After 9/11

  After the tragedy of 9/11 we did not heed Benjamin Franklin who famously wrote, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Instead, there were substantial infringements on our civil liberties in the name of security. Since then, advocates for civil liberties have fought … [Read more…]

#BlackLivesMatter Explained

I recently met an Episcopal priest who uses the slogan, “All lives won’t matter until #Black Lives Matter.” That statement should throw some explanatory light on the term and the movement, #BlackLivesMatter, at least for those persons who earnestly wonder about singling out black lives for emphasis. As it happens I have seen an even … [Read more…]