“Anonymous,” a White House insider who wrote an op ed about how inept and corrupt Donald Trump is for the job he holds, has written a book about Trump in the White House. No thanks, Mr. or Ms Anonymous. Columnist Charles Pierce speaks for me:
“I have no intention of shelling out a dime to read about how someone almost ran into the burning house to save the baby, or about how someone almost gave up their seat in the lifeboat when the great ship went down, or about how someone almost dove into a freezing river to save a busload of nuns, or, for that matter, about how someone almost decided not to be a part of the most monstrous executive administration since the (un)death of Vlad The Impaler. I am not interested in someone’s heartfelt account of their near-collision with actual integrity. I decline to be fascinated by the tale of how someone nearly ran into courage on the street but had to catch a bus instead.
“This [book describes] stuff that we knew before he got elected. This is all stuff we knew before he was nominated. Yet Anonymous took a job in Bedlam anyway, and, as nearly as we can tell, still works there. I’m not buying for a minute that Anonymous and the “Steady State” did so to keep the president* from acting upon his own paranoia and bigotry. He never was going to change, and we knew that all along, too. They took the jobs because they were White House jobs. (And Anonymous’s attempt to recast John Kelly, the architect of the detention policies at the border, as some kind of moderating force is laughable.) And even if you believe that the author is in it to keep the president* on the rails, the author certainly has to know by now that it’s not possible to do so.
“So, no, thanks. I’ll stick with the witnesses who appear in public and who explain under oath the breadth and depth of the corruption afflicting our politics, and I’ll leave the guessing game to the easily distracted, upon whom this president* depends.”