Joe Biden Should Step Aside

President Biden should step aside from running for reelection for the good of the country and his legacy.

Depending on the poll, Biden is either in a dead heat or trailing Trump in the race, and his performance in the debate has likely put him in a bigger hole. In a poll after the debate, nearly three-fourths of registered voters said Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president and that he should not be running for reelection. Such an assessment will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to overcome.

A Donald Trump presidency is too great a risk to take. On the one hand, it is like giving the codes for nuclear weapons to a first grader. And please note that no one can stop a United States President from using nuclear weapons. On the other hand, a Trump presidency would be a dictatorship with all the societal institutions working to serve Trump—financially and legally or illegally. There is nothing positive that comes from a Trump victory.

I have never liked or supported the use of debates between presidential candidates, principally  because presidents do not operate like debaters. For starters, they are never alone when they make decisions about critical issues, and they do not have to provide quick and short answers to serious issues without the advice of experts.

A political debate should involve two individuals articulating their respective positions on issues.  However, this so-called debate was hardly that. One person lied articulately without any fact  checks, and the other followed the rules feebly. And the liar was declared the winner. Such a spectacle is not a sign of a healthy democracy.

Yet, I watched the entirety of this debate as I wanted to see if Biden would present in a manner  that would dispel the age issue. He did not. He underscored it. He was too weak physically and  mentally on that debate stage. Consequently, he is unlikely to overcome Trump’s lead, no matter how difficult it is to understand such a lead by a convicted felon who needs to learn how the government works.

Think about the so-called debate. Trump proved that he is still ignorant about how the  government. He showed that he did not yet know how tariffs work, and he consistently lied about his record and misrepresented his policy positions on numerous occasions during the ebate. Yet, President Biden could not effectively counter any of Trump’s wild exaggerations and lies. Even worse, he struggled to articulate his own accomplishments in a manner that viewers could comprehend.

Biden has been an excellent president, accomplishing more for the country than most presidents.  In a sane world, he would be ahead of Trump, the leading candidate for the worst  president ever. But we do not live in a sane world, and despite his appearance in North Carolina the next day, Biden has not shown himself up to the task of campaigning for the presidency and managing the country effectively for four more years. .

We must save and improve this problematic democracy. Knowing what Trump has already done  or attempted and what he and his henchmen are telling us they will do in his next term, we must either save this democracy or lose it, perhaps forever. And you know by now that the recent Supreme Court decision has made it much easier to be a dictator as he has plainly said he would be in a next term as president.

Thus, serious pressure should be put on Biden to step aside. He is simply too old.

Perhaps many supporters were shocked to see him so old and feeble because the presidency ages people. It is a heavy-duty job. Trump is the only president I have seen who did not seem to age in office. And we know why. He was less engaged in doing the real work of the presidency than previous presidents.

Our democracy, with its many faults, has been hobbled significantly in the last few years, not only by Trump but by the Republican party. We must move to stop this ongoing  destruction. The danger to the country is too great not to do everything possible to avoid a Trump presidency. But first, Biden and the top democrats MUST listen to the 72 percent of the public who say Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president and that he should not be running for reelection. Else they commit untenable political suicide.

I suggest a three-step process to get Biden to agree to step aside.

First: Allow 1-2 weeks for him to step down because of this public wringing of Hands.

Second, Top Democrats would go to Biden and ask him to step down to accomplish  his objective: to defeat Trump since he is unlikely to do so in his weakened state.  This group should emphasize that Biden would burnish his legacy by voluntarily  stepping down; however, he would tarnish his legacy by hanging on and losing to  Trump.

Third: Exert more pressure. The cost of losing is too great to avoid pushing the issue.

I thought Biden was too old to run in 2020. After he won the nomination, I thought he might win the presidency, do some of the things he promised, and announce 1.5 years before the 2024 election that he would not be running for reelection.

Trump is also too old. He is only three years younger than Biden, but he appeared  to be much younger in the debate, proving that calendar age is not the issue, but functional age is. When I worked for IBM in the 1960s, the CEO was required to step down at 62. The  company thought the CEO’s job was too taxing for a person that old. I thought age 62 was too  young to be a retirement age. At the time, I thought it should be at least 65, if not 70. Since then,  the retirement age has increased, but many 80+-year-old people may be too old to be in the Office of the Presidency.

At this point, Biden cannot be removed from the nomination as he already has the majority of the delegates. So, he would have to release his delegates to vote at the convention, choosing from among the viable candidates still standing after a summer of primary-like campaigning. That was the way presidential nominations happened until 1968.

Perhaps as a senior statesman, Biden would be given a prominent speaking role at the convention.

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